2014年1月14日 星期二

麗茲.班納特的日記 EP6:小鼻子小眼睛的達賽先生

Grotesque: 奇怪的




By Comparison: 透過比較的
0:25 Common Folk:普通人,常人,凡人
根據現代的Urban Dictionary的解釋: 形容無知、未受過教育、愚蠢的人,無論種族、階級、宗教、性別、取向或是貧窮或有錢, 總之不是那種會去長春藤聯盟念書和開勞斯萊斯的人
就像這首歌一樣????? 是還蠻好聽的..這歌真的好老哦

coup de grâce:致命的一擊, 也可譯作淘汰賽 原文來自法文,英文解釋為blow of mercy

Lounge around:成天在家翹家無所事事的樣子
(圖片來源:Google)此圖為Tom Hanks在航站情緣(The Terminal)的劇照
Tom Hanks表示:這一點都不舒服啊!!!

BBC迷你影集-BBC mini-series
如之前介紹過的1995年的傲慢與偏見(Pride and Prejudice)(6集)

簡愛(Jane Eyre)也曾多次被翻拍,幾乎是10年就有一次電影或電視劇的翻拍,頻率比傲慢與偏見還高
由007先生--Timothy Dalton,和Zelah Clarke主演

由澳洲女星Mia Wasikowska和萬磁王Michael Fassbender領銜主演

另外有部影集北與南(North And South),也是相當知名的迷你影集之一
由Daniela Denby-Ashe和
曾出演過Spooks與現正上檔的哈比人2裡的矮人--索林橡木盾王子Richard Armitage主演

Sane: 明智的,神經建全的

1:24 Slam: 砰一聲地關上,砰一聲的放下 1:31 中文翻大腸包小腸..原文為:
to slip your man-banana into 這就跳過不解釋了啊 免得又得google圖片 我們怎麼樣都得是PG級的! 1:38 Preposterous: 荒謬,荒唐 1:46 Unironically:非諷刺地

Ironical: 諷刺 1:58
Get Laid: 滾床單 別逼我講清 而Laid本身就是Lay的過去式 2:10 Contorts:旋轉,扭曲 所以contorts the face是?
鬼臉可是Cara Delevingne的招牌呢

原影片: 開啟CC字幕!一起學習英文吧!

英聽:Angel, MWC
翻譯:Angel, MWC 校稿:Patricia 字幕:MWC As any of you watched my last video with Jane already know, I recently have the absolute pleasure of meeting Bing Lee’s friend and house guest, William Darcy 如果你們有看我和珍的前一支影片, 就會知道我最近有幸認識賓李的朋友, 同時也是座上賓的---威廉.達西
"Absolute" isn’t the right word, more of a grotesque, nauseting, run the other way as if your life depended on it pleasure. 用「有幸」這個字眼不太貼切... 應該要用奇怪、令人作嘔、那種「我不落跑就沒命」的榮幸

Darcy is so obnoxious, I can’t tell if I like Bing Lee now, or if he just seems awesome by comparison. 達西真的很顧人怨,我不曉得我是喜歡賓.李呢, 還是硬比起來, 他比達西好多了

Darcy is.. boring, stuffy, unbelieveably rude. He thinks he is too good for us “common folk.” 達西非常...無趣、枯燥,難以置信的無禮.他自命清高,覺得我們這些「凡人」配不上他

But he is handsome! And rich! Even richer than Bing Lee. Oh dilemma, dilemma! 但他很帥!又有錢!甚至比賓.李更有錢. 齁~ 左右為難! 裡外不是人啊!

But you want to know what the coup de grâce is? Even my mother hated him. 但你知道最致命的一擊是什麼嗎? 就是..連我媽也討厭他

My name is Lizzie Bennet, and William Darcy is a snob. 我是麗茲.班納特, 威廉.達西是個勢利眼

I just can’t properly express what an infuriating douchebag this guy is. 我沒辦法切確地形容, 達西是個多麼令人火大的混帳東西

Just because you are rich and heir to some kind of entertainment empire, does not mean you are better than anyone else.

He probably uses his money to lounge around all day in five thounsand dollar boxers watching BBC mini-series with people he pays to be his friends since no sane human being could ever actually put up with him. 他大概成天宅在家、穿著五千多元的四角內褲晃來晃去, 還得花錢請朋友陪他看BBC的迷你影集, 因為有腦的正常人都無法忍受他

I mean what does he do with his life? I do things with my life. I read. Study. I play tennis. 他人生目標是啥啊? 我可是有目標的, 我喜歡閱讀, 也愛念書, 還會打網球

I mean.. I used to play tennis.. I have a video blog! Whatever. 我是說..以前會打啦.. 我有影音部落格! 隨便啦

And since I’m all about the drama… Lydia!

LD: I’m not ready yet! 我還沒準備好!

LZ: Oh, come on! Get your ass out here. 哦,拜託! 快給我滾出來!

LD: This dance is super slamming! So is the Jane Bennet. I wanna bang the **** outta her. 這舞太銷魂了! 跟珍.班納特一樣! 我真想把她(嗶).

Sub: WHAT? 啥毀?

Are there any hot chicks that you’d like to slip your man-banana into, Darcy my hommie? 有沒有哪個辣妹想讓你大腸包小腸的啊,我的好麻吉達西?

What? That’s totally how guys talk! 幹嘛? 男人講話就是這樣啊!

LZ: This dance is preposterous. I hate dancing. It’s a waste of time. Like saying nice things to people. 這舞荒唐至極,我討厭跳舞,簡直浪費時間,跟對人說好話沒啥兩樣

Many of this people seem to be enjoying popular music, unironically. 大部分的人似乎都愛流行樂, 沒在酸喔

Beside, none of these girls stand up to my ridiculous standards. 而且,這裡也沒有任何女性符合我那荒唐的標準

LD: What about Jane’s sister, Lizzie? I know she is not that great looking, but you could do worse. 那珍的妹妹, 麗茲如何呢?我知道她沒很正,但總比恐龍妹好

I bet she could use a sexcapade. She probably hasn’t gotten laid in years, and those are the freaky ones.
我跟你打包票,她絕對需要來個愛愛大私奔,她應該很久沒滾床單了, 但就是要這種的才帶勁兒

LZ: You found the only pretty girl at this wedding. Even if she smiles too much. 你找到婚禮中唯一漂亮的女孩,即使她笑得有點給他多

I dislike smiling. It contorts the face. 我討厭笑容,只會讓臉變形

LD: Yeah. On second thought, Lizzie Bennet is kind of the dog. No wonder she is perpetually single. 對啦,仔細想想,麗茲.班納特也是個恐龍妹,難怪她得做個永世不得超生的老姑婆

You’d be better off hooking up with her younger, sexier sister, Lydia. Now she is a catch. 你還是去把她那更年輕、更性感的小妹利迪雅吧,她可是會讓人辣到凍沒條呢!

So there you have it. William Darcy? Total snob. In a somewhat true to life portrayal. 所以你們瞭了吧, 威廉.達西...是個無敵大爛人, 蠻貼近事實的人生寫照

LD: ‘Cause I’m all about the true to life, bitches! You want the real story? You ask the Ly-deee-yahhh. 因為我就是真理! 你們這群死八婆! 你想聽貨真價實的故事? 還不快來問利-迪-雅--

LZ: I need more friends. 我需要多交點朋友

And less sisters. 少認點姐妹

What’s wrong with you? 你腦子燒壞了是不是?

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